Punjab Text Board Books for class Three (3rd)

Punjab Text Board Books for class Three (3rd) 


Now here PTB books for Class Three  in PDF .

You can easily download these books .

Punjab Text Board Books for class Three (3rd)

Click on the book name and download it free.

Punjab Text Board Books for Class Two

Punjab Text Board Books for Class Two 


Now here we provide you to PTB books for Class Two in PDF .

You can easily download these books for your requirements.

Punjab Text Board Books for Class Two

Click on the book name and download it .

If you need any other book, you can contact us through comments.


Punjab Text Board Books for Class One

Punjab Text Board Books for Class One .

Now here we provide you to PTB books for Class One  in PDF .

You can easily download these books .

Punjab Text Board Books for Class One .

Click on the book name and download it.

SRS (Software Requirements Specification) MCS CS619 V.U

SRS (Software Requirements Specification) MCS CS619  V.U.

This is a sample of SRS for Students of virtual university of Pakistan .
You can easily design your SRS with help of this sample .

SRS (Software Requirements Specification) MCS CS619  V.U.

Click the download button and download the SRS sample.

Learn and Earn with WordPress

Learn and Earn with WordPress

What is WordPress?

It is a free and open-source Content Management System or CMS. The main features of WordPress are template system and also plugin architecture. Templates allow developers to build on a predefined structure as opposed to building out a site from scratch. Plugins allow for additional functionality to extend the tools that come “out of the box. You can Build a website easily on WordPress and also Build your blog easily.
You can develop your blog and website on WordPress and earn money.

Some Benefits of Using WordPress:

  • Ease of Use
  • Search Engines Love WordPress Sites
  •  You Have Control of Your Site
  • No HTML Editing or FTP Software Required
  • Manage Your Website from Any Computer
  • A Blog is Built-in and Ready to Go
  • Your Site Can Grow as Your Business Grows
  • Have Multiple Users

Learn and Earn with WordPress   What is WordPress?

Click the download button and download this book free. 

Learn HTML Basics

What is HTML? 

HTML was created by Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1991, but it was officially published in 1995.
It have a many version like as 1.0,2.0,3.0 4.01 etc.
HTML is an evolving language.

You can easily download books for HTML and learn the basics of HTML.

Learn HTML

Click the download button and download this book.

Learn C# easy way

 What is C# .

C# is pronounced as "C-Sharp". C# is a programming language. It is based on C++ and Java, but it has many additional extensions used to perform component-oriented programming approach. This book is very helpful those who want to learn and earn with C#.C# programming language is a general-purpose, OOPS based programming language. C# development team was lead by "Anders Hejlsberg" in 2002.

The Major feature of C#.
  • Classes 
  •  Events   
  •  Properties
  • Delegates
  • Interfaces
  • Structs
  • Interfaces
  • Delegates
  • Expressions
  • Statements
  • Attribute
You can download C# book free and developed your programming skills. 

Learn C# easy way

Click the download button and download this book.

MCS Fourth Semester Handouts :Virtual University Of Pakistan

MCS (Fourth  Semester Handouts): Virtual University of Pakistan:

Handouts of MCS Third Semester of Virtual University of Pakistan.
You can download them easily.
Best Of Luck


Click on the download button and download your desire books.











Best Of Luck .😍

MCS (Third Semester Handouts): Virtual University of Pakistan:

Handouts of MCS Third Semester of Virtual University of Pakistan.

You can download them easily and read and prepare their exams.
Best Of Luck

V.U.MCS #3






MCS (Second Semester Handouts): V.U.

MCS (Second Semester Handouts): Virtual University of Pakistan:

Handouts of MCS second Semester of the Virtual University of Pakistan.
You can download them easily and read and prepare their exams.

Handouts of MCS Second Semester of Virtual University Of Pakistan
MCS 2 Books

 Click the download option and easily download your desire handouts. 😍




MCS (Handouts ,First Semester ) Virtual University OF Pakistan

MCS first Semester Handouts:  Virtual University OF Pakistan 

Here, Provide the handouts of the Virtual University Of Pakistan. You can download them and read and prepare the papers.


Click the download button and download your desire handouts.


Helping Book 


What Is Java? Use of Java.

Java is a programming worldwide famous and popular programming language.
Java was designed by James Gosling.
Java is used in internet programming, mobile devices, games, e-business solutions, websites, and much more.

This book is very easy to understand. You can learn and also earn with Java. Developed your programming skills and earn money as a software developer. Java plays an important part in the programming field. 

A huge number of Java workers are serving in various walks of life۔
There are many freelance websites where you can make a lot of money working on Java۔


Click on Download and download this Book.



Learn C++ in Urdu

Learn C++ in Urdu in an easy way.

Hello Friends:

Learn C++ in Urdu. It is very easy way to learn C++ in the Urdu language. C++ is a programming language for developing purposes.I suggest you to download this book and learn and improve your programming skills.

C++ in Urdu is a very easy way to improve your programming skills, and learn and earn with C++.

 Click Download to download this book.





Hello Friends.


C++ is a programming language. It is used for developing software . It is very helpful for developing skills. It is low level and near computer hardware. Now C++ is also known as C with classes.C++ programming language is an extension of  C Language.What is ++ in C++. We know in C language we used increment operators ++. So C++ as incremented C mean extension of C.

C++ Designed by Bjarne Stroustrup.

Download this book and learn C++ easily.



What is Education? Purpose of Education.

What is Education? Purpose of Education.

What is education۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔? Education is not what makes you frustrated, sinful, incompetent, just making money, misguidance, slavery and turning man into an animal.
Rather, education is what makes you a good person and eliminates frustration, sin, incompetence, error, and slavery.

Education For You .🔖📕📖📗📘📚

Study, Helping Material, Learn knowledge and be successful۔

These three things are very important for every student. In this Website, I will provide you with all kinds of help regarding education. This website will be very important for you and your education۔

In this website I will provide you with helping material for each class which will be very helpful for you.

In this website you will learn a lot besides education.
You will understand by name that standing, helping materially, learning knowledge and success, it will be guided by all kinds of students. This website will provide you with books, past papers, notes, short notes and much more so that you can all learn easily.

Thanks For visiting my website and read this post.😍